Follow the CHAINED Virtual Book Tour and win!

Catch CHAINED on the road + Catch up with Rebeca online!

We are totally excited for the upcoming live events celebrating the release of CHAINED but we’re less excited that we can’t party with all of our readers across the country (and the world!)  To remedy this problem, we created a Virtual Book Tour!  Starting December 11th, Rebeca will be making “stops” at several blogs over the course of the week. These unique interviews with some of our favorite jewelry bloggers will cover topics including how CHAINED got published, Rebeca’s success as an entrepreneur and philanthropist, what she has learned from teaching others the art of chainmaille and how CHAINED can help even a novice become a proficient chainmailler.

Leave a comment and win a B3 Gift Certificate!

Every stop on the tour is a chance for you to win a Blue Buddha Boutique gift certificate worth $10. Simply comment on the blog post Rebeca appears in that day for your chance to win.  Comments open as soon as the blog is posted and end at noon CST the next day (so the Monday blog will accept contest comments from the time it is posted on Monday until noon Tuesday and so on.)  We will randomly choose a winner each day at 1pm CST.

Meet the participating blogs + ask Rebeca YOUR questions

Athena’s Armoury Blog – accepting reader questions!
A Bead a Day Blog
The Beading Gem’s Journal
Briolette Beads and More Blog
Handmade Artist’s Forum Blog

Liv’nGood Jewelry Blog
Tollykit Blog
– accepting reader questions!

Make sure to join the CHAINED notification list to have the link to each appearance (and a reminder to comment) sent right to your inbox each day….there will be a grand prize contest announced only to our CHAINED mailing list folks so you’ll want to be one of them!

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3 Comments on "Follow the CHAINED Virtual Book Tour and win!"

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14 years 1 month ago

Hi. I started making chain maille jewelry about 2 years ago. For me, I try to follow the directions, but they don’t make sence, put everything down and walk away. You still will be thinking about it, but later, when you go back to it, it clicks. Congrats to all.

14 years 2 months ago

Hi, Rebecca! I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your book. I actually just got it today. I’m a total beginner, but your book was the first that made this kind of jewelry making make sense to me. I’ve spent a few frustrating days trying to wrap my brain around some other instructional books and sites out there, but honestly your book was the very first that made sense immediately. I was chugging along as soon as I sat down to try out the box chain (one I hadn’t even attempted before because even that looked daunting everywhere else). I can’t WAIT to try the other projects. Your pictures are SO HELPFUL, I can’t stress that enough. Thank you, thank you for the photos of absolutely every step. As a real beginner, I totally appreciated the photos of the ‘that’s gotta be obvious’ steps. And the arrows, pointing out where to weave the rings. That’s the part that other books/sites don’t show, much to my frustration.

Anyway, in conclusion, I am SO glad I just happened to pick up your book, and that you took the time to write it! It turned something that sounded vaguely interesting though surprisingly frustrating into an art I’m excited to pursue!

Paula Rudy
14 years 2 months ago

Thanks Rebecca! Will definitely follow the CHAINED virtual book tour. What fun AND a chance to win a B3 gift certificate…count me in!