Help us Donate $1,000 to benefit Arts Education!

Rebeca’s book CHAINED has been out for nearly a year now and is still topping sales charts and introducing the joy (and addiction) of chainmaille jewelry to people all over the world.  When we first released CHAINED last year, we made this blog post highlighting a very special philanthropic angle we took to selling the book on our website.  For every signed copy of the book we have sold, we have donated $5 to benefit Franklin Fine Arts Center, a Chicago Public Magnet elementary school in Chicago’s Old Town neighborhood focused on the visual and performing arts.  You have helped us raise approximately $800 so far and we are thrilled to be able to make that donation to a school that is cultivating a love for the arts that we all share.

We will calculate the total number of autographed copies sold (and $5 donations accrued) around the third week of November this year and we would love to reach a goal of $1,000 for them.  We are only about 20 books away from meeting the goal and with your help, we can achieve it!

If you already own the book, share this blog post with a fellow crafter who does not or maybe even purchase one as a holiday present for someone you’d like to share your love of making chainmaille jewelry with.  We will keep you posted as we near the goal!

BUY AN AUTOGRAPHED COPY OF CHAINED to help Franklin Fine Arts Center!

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