70 Designs At Your Fingertips
We just created mini PDF bundles for many of our past limited-edition and seasonal designs! These aren’t full step-outs, but rather project diagrams showing ring placement. If you purchased a kit and it had a paper insert, then you’re familiar with these–the bundles are exactly the kit inserts, available for the first time in PDF format!
Head on over to our sale page and scroll to the bottom to find all PDF bundles!
Here’s an example of what an insert might look like. This is for Large Coiled Butterfly, part of the “Misc.” bundle:

Ring Sizes Used:
K16 = 16ga SWG 15/64″ (6.0 mm)
V16 = 16ga SWG 13/32″ (10.3 mm)
L16 = 16ga SWG 1/4″ (6.4 mm)
S16 = 16ga SWG 23/64″ (9.1 mm)
F18 = 18ga SWG 5/32″ (4.0 mm)
Clasp rings = G16 16ga SWG 11/64″ (4.4 mm)
Here’s a photo of at least one project from each bundle. If you’re curious as to what a particular design looks like and it’s not listed here, leave a comment and we’ll try to add a photo here or on our page on Facebook!
Happy weaving!
I thought these were full tutorials. Glad I only purchased one to take a look at them first.