Cast Your Vote for February’s Featured Product Contest!


Submissions for February’s Featured Product of the Month Contest are closed, and the B3 team has cast their ballots to determine the finalists…..which means it’s time for YOU to cast your vote to determine the winner. Folks this month were challenged to create a piece that featured anodized aluminum scales. The submissions really demonstrate the impact adding scales to your projects can have!  Voting will close February 29th. Voting is only allowed once per computer so choose wisely!

To share the survey, we recommend you copy the link to this blog post and use that in any emails, blog posts, or social media posts you’d like to make about it (we’ve noticed some weirdness in the past with sharing the link directly – it sometimes like to bump people out of voting that haven’t already.)

Get a sneak peak at the all of our finalists below:



FEATURED PRODUCT FOR MARCH – Size O18 jump rings – any metal

March’s featured product will be our size O18 jump rings – any metal.  For March, we are upping the creative ante and challenging you to create a project using one of our more obscure sizes.  We do not currently have a weave samples post for this size so you’re working without a net!  (We know you can handle it though *wink*.)

But wait, there’s more!  We will add a special place on each submission form for you to opt in to add your weave suggestion to our first ever fan-sourced weave samples post.  We figure we have some of the most creative customers around, so why not make a place to permanently share your suggestions as a resource to everyone!

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13 years 19 hours ago

Oh how cool is this!!! LOVE all the February submissions, and I’m really looking forward to the March contest! Good luck to all the February finalists – amazing work!