Adding (Disappearing!) Items To Your Cart As We Wind Down

If you try to add an item to your cart and it disappears, it means the item is SOLD OUT

As we do our “last calls” for items, there are occasional mad dashes to grab limited quantities of an item. If you add a kit, ring pack or other item to your cart and it doesn’t stay in your cart it has SOLD OUT.  This is especially likely to happen if you leave items in your cart overnight. However, it can just as easily happen if you complete all your shopping in 5 minutes.

Our system doesn’t automatically list something as “out of stock” as soon as our inventory counter runs down to 0 for that item. (We have to go in manually to adjust). That’s why it may look as though something is available, when in fact it is not. We’re trying our best to stay on top of the counters, but with thousands of SKUs, it’s pretty tricky.

We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best of luck grabbing everything you need for your final orders!

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