Customer Care Is (Mostly) Closed

Please note that customer care is essentially closed as of today.

We can no longer accept phone nor email orders—NO EXCEPTIONS—, and cannot answer most questions. As already announced in an earlier post, we also are no longer combining orders.

We WILL still re-send any PDFs that cannot be opened. PLEASE check your PDFs and your orders as soon as you receive them so we can address any issues before the end of the month. I love you all, but I don’t want to be re-sending PDFs to people 8 months from now… 😉

And of course, if there is an error on our end with your order, we will address those issues!  So, again, please check your orders immediately upon receipt. We are shutting down and there won’t be anyone left to help you if you wait 3 months to discover an error. (Note – if you find an error at the very end of April or early May, please email email me at [email protected] directly. I’ll be in the middle of moving to LA so I may be delayed in getting back to you, but I will get back to you as soon as I can. I’m a nice gal and want to make sure everyone is taken care of!)

Any other questions you send via email or voice mail may remain unanswered. We’re sorry for any inconvenience, but we’ve really got to focus on getting our inventory wrapped up and all your orders out the door before we close. Thank you for your understanding!

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