The creativity and skill of our customers never ceases to amaze us. Since 2011, we’ve held the Featured Weave Contest every month, choosing a weave, product or theme, and challenging our talented customers to make something great.
And 2013’s contest submissions didn’t disappoint! We saw everything from elegant, delicate jewelry to teddy bears dressed in shining armor. July’s contest was a first for us: The voting was so close, it resulted in a tie! And, the Pet Costume Contest in October was so much fun.
Below are this year’s winners–there are even a few folks who won multiple months. It’s time they battle it out to see who is 2013’s Mailler of the Year. The winner will receive a $100 B3 Gift Certificate and, of course, bragging rights!
Preview the contestants below and then vote for your favorite (just one time, please). Voting will close at midnight CT on January 31. Thank you to everyone who makes this contest so fun and inspiring all year. Good luck!

Catherine H.
Winning Pieces
Warrior One (Japanese 12-in-2) and Endless Box Checkers (Box Chain)

Wing N.
Winning Pieces
Seeing Rainbows (Half Persian), Captivated Pocket Watch Chain (Roundmaille) and Beaded Helm Flower (Helm Chain)
Lindsay L.
Winning Piece
Seeing Rainbows (Half Persian)

Kathleen Q.
Winning Piece
Aluminum IceWyrm Bracelet (Full Persian)

Chrys M.
Winning Pieces
Bow Tie (Dragonscale) and Bermuda Blue Necklace (Byzantine)

Mary S.
Winning Piece
Oscar the Knight (Pet Halloween Costume)

Jessica G.
Winning Piece
Sir Teddy Bear (Euro 4-in-1/Mesh)

Melody J.
Winning Piece
JPL Snake Bracelet (Jens Pind Linkage)

Danny K.
Winning Piece
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey (Mobius)

Can all of you vote for my friend Lindsay L.’s piece?