Voting for July’s Featured Weave Contest must have been a tough decision, because it’s a tie! A tie between rainbows, that is. The winners chosen by you are:
Lindsay L. with Seeing Rainbows and Wing N. with Rainbow Half Persian 4-in-1!

Congratulations to you both! You’ve each won a $25 B3 gift certificate. To claim your prize, email us at [email protected].
FEATURED WEAVE FOR AUGUST – European 4-in-1, aka Mesh
For August, we’re featuring European 4-in1 / Mesh. Originally used in medieval armor, European 4-in-1 can be used to create a wide variety of modern pieces. Tackle this project using Mesh & Rosettes. Get those pliers working; we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Want to see which B3 sizes work well for this weave? Visit our base metal stats & uses page and our sterling silver stats & uses page.
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